Jake Campus Nutrition - UNCUT
Getting deep and real with all things Nutrition and life!
I Run a team of University Qualified Nutritionist to assist in all goals.
I Run a team of University Qualified Nutritionist to assist in all goals.
Jake Campus Nutrition - UNCUT
THE PRO DIARIES with Jake and Jenna Ep 22- Jennas back, we talk her gut protocols and some things around fat loss and goal weights
Jake Campus
Season 3
Episode 22
Jenna is back from South Africa and started on a new gut protocol, find out why.
We talk about goal weight and how there are better ways to measure progress and chat on things we should be doing before starting a fat loss phase.
To work with Jake and his team for nutrition: www.jcn.co.nz
Jakes IG: jakecampusnutrition
Jennas IG: jennanne