Jake Campus Nutrition - UNCUT
Getting deep and real with all things Nutrition and life!
I Run a team of University Qualified Nutritionist to assist in all goals.
I Run a team of University Qualified Nutritionist to assist in all goals.
Jake Campus Nutrition - UNCUT
THE PRO DIARIES with Jake and Jenna Ep 25- When to adjust your schedule for the best week (training and work balance)
Jake Campus
Season 3
Episode 25
Jenna and I had a fun weekend together with our partners but now we are feeling we need a day to get back to 100% before attacking the week.
Life happens, we travel, and we spend time with friends/family but sometimes that leaves us a bit run down. the age-old Q to train or not to train. We talk about our techniques to make sure you have a great week of training and work and how to adjust your schedule if your feel like you need more REST.
To work with Jake and his team for nutrition: www.jcn.co.nz
Jakes IG: jakecampusnutrition
Jennas IG: jennanne